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Monday 30 June 2014

This tattoo preserved on human skin from500 BC

Squeamish stomachs may want to look away while the curious minds will probably get a kick out of checking this out: a tattoo preserved on human skin that is over two million years old!
The Siberian Ice Maiden is a female mummy that lived somewhere around the 5th century BCE. It was discovered in 1993 in a Russian kurgan (which are mounds of earth and stones over a grave).
It's considered one of the most significant archeological findings for Russia in the late 20th century, and the Ice Maiden currently resides in a special mausoleum at the Republic National Museum in Gorno-Altasik.
She had some preserved skin which had a marking of an animal-style deer tattoo on her shoulder, wrist, and thumb. It is the oldest preserved specimen of tattooed skin, however it is fading due to some mistreatment when being transported.

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